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IWPAD Chapter 32

Life is an unfinished script. Every paragraph, every plot, contained different choices and so many different scenes were played out on stage. Just like a person could never know what the next piece of chocolate in a box would taste like, a person could never predict the next scene.  No one knew who would be…

IWPAD Chapter 31

LAST TOC NEXT Luo Qin and Lin Zhixia took Xiao Ai back to their table. Although the confrontation with Qiao Mei had interrupted their dinner, it was not something worthy of ruining their evening. So they both remained calm. Luo Qin glanced at Lin Zhixia. He was worried that Lin Zhixia would be angry because…

IWPAD Chapter 30

LAST TOC NEXT Qiao Mei’s duplicitous behavior made Lin Zhixia laugh and he said, “If you can come here, why can’t I?” “Well~” Qiao Mei was still smiling, her voice sweet and sticky but her delicate eyes showed her obvious contempt.  “You know, Brother Zhixia, it seems like you don’t know your place.” Lin Zhixia…

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